How to look after your skin this summer


At skinID we know it’s important to take care of your skin 365 days a year, however it’s also crucial to adapt your skincare routine based on the season.

During the summer months, we tend to be exposed to warmer temperatures, higher humidity levels and harmful UV rays and more breakouts, and during winter we experience colder climates and dryer skin.

Our team of medical experts at skinID have listed tips below to protect you through summer and leave you with radiant skin, you can feel confident in.


At skinID we can’t stress the importance of using sunscreen daily enough, not only during summer months but all year round, whatever the weather. Investing in a good quality SPF should be number one on your summer skincare checklist to reduce your risk of skin cancer, premature ageing, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

Look for sunscreen that’s broad-spectrum, SPF 30+ and reapply every 2 hours. And don’t forget about your lips, too! If you’re wearing makeup and have already applied SPF, you can top it up throughout the day with a sunscreen powder.

We have a range of medical grade skin care at the clinic – pop in and a member of the team will be able to recommend a suitable SPF for your skin.

Stay hydrated

The best summer beauty tip? Drink more water. Staying well hydrated is essential throughout the year, but particularly imperative during the summer months when the weather gets hotter, you’re sweating more, and you’re more active. Water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption and even rids the body and skin of toxins. You should be drinking at least 2-3 litres of water a day.


'An express facial can help to cleanse and revitalise your skin for instant results'


Cleanse your skin & use Vitamin C

Introduce a morning cleansing routine which includes antioxidants and Vitamin C to reduce pigmentation, hydrate your skin and boost collagen.

We also recommend an at-home peel 1-2 times a week during summer such as the ZO® Skin Health Enzymatic Peel which is formulated to create a softer, brighter skin appearance and improves the visible signs of sun damage.

An express facial can help to cleanse and revitalise your skin for instant results. We recommend two weekly such as the ZO® Skin Health Stimulator Peel or Skincare gel peel.

We offer a variety of facials at the clinic, book in with the team to get a facial tailored to your specific needs.

Exfoliate your skin

As well as continuing to cleanse your skin during summertime, it’s essential to exfoliate too. With increased sweat, SPF and oils, your pores can get clogged up, therefore a gentle exfoliation 1-2 times a week can help to remove debris and keep you blemish free and your skin glowing. Try not to over exfoliate or do it when your skin is particularly sensitive or irritated such as if you are sunburnt, as this can leave it dry and damaged. We recommend ZO® Skin Health Exfoliating Polish, available to purchase at skinID.

Switch up your moisturiser

Heavy moisturisers can add to the clogging up of your pores during summer months, especially if you are already prone to oily skin. Opt for a lighter weight moisturiser and apply sparingly during hotter climates. We recommend the Daily Power Defense by ZO® Skin Health at skinID.


'Botox works by temporarily blocking the chemicals that signal it's time for your glands to produce sweat'


Reduce sweat

We tend to sweat more during warmer seasons, whether it’s our underarms, hands, feet or our face, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. However, injectables such as Botox can help to minimise excessive sweating. Botox works by temporarily blocking the chemicals that signal it's time for your glands to produce sweat. A one-off treatment of Botox can last for up to 6-8 months. We also offer a Botox facial which can help to reduce sweat.

Get toe-tally beach ready

There’s nothing worse than getting to summer and realising your toes aren’t ready to be on show. Issues such as fungal nails can be easily treated within just 8-10 weeks using our Lynton Laser at skinID, so that you can feel confident in your favourite open toe sandals. We can also painlessly remove hair anywhere on the body with our Motus DEKA laser hair removal machine.

Hydrate your lips

You can gently hydrate your lips, enhance the fullness and reduce lines around the mouth by using a small amount (0.5ml) of Volbella or Aliaxin® filler. This is a non-invasive, innovative treatment for natural contouring, lifting and hydration, which is popular during summer season when our skin needs a hydration boost. Book in with the skinID for this treatment.

Prevent frown lines

During sunnier weather, we tend to squint and frown more with the sun in our eyes, which results in deeper frown lines around the eye area. To prevent this, we offer Babytox which can last up to 3-4 months and leave you with a smooth face.


'If you notice any changes or just want to get checked out to be safe, you can book in with skinID for a mole check'


Check your moles

It is important to be familiar with the normal appearance of your skin and any moles you have. Some moles are more dangerous than others, presenting the risk of cancer when exposed to the sun (which is why it’s vital to use SPF). If you notice any changes or just want to get checked out to be safe, you can book in with skinID for a mole check. Within the realms of the clinic, we can remove benign or unwanted skin-tags, moles and warts. Our machines are quick and relatively painless.

Book in with Dr Irena and the team at skinID at our luxury aesthetic clinic in Poole to get started with your summer skin care regime

Irena Daniels