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Advanced Body Contouring & Fat-loss Treatments

From dissolving stubborn fat pockets to designing and toning your dream physique, your dream body is achievable at SkinID

Did you know that you only have one set of fat cells in your life?


These swell or shrink depending on your health, diet and lifestyle. So whether your aim is to lose weight, tighten skin and sculpt your figure, our world-leading technological treatments, are delivered by our practitioners to give you the body confidence you deserve.


A Word From Dr Irena Daniels:

'Body contouring results are life changing as clients see their body transform into what they've dreamt of.  The following treatments are not painful, so you can relax in our warm and comfortable clinic as you receive your treatment. Rest assured that in choosing SkinID you're being treated by a medical clinic, using technology with the highest global safety records. Your body is in expert hands.'


There are a lot of medical devices on the marketplace, at SkinID we never compromise on quality. CoolSculpting was created by Harvard Medical School and has the highest safety rating and effective results, globally, over the last two decades. 

Every practitioner at SkinID receives full, regularly updated training on this incredible device.

With two body shaped applicators and two ways of monitoring each treatment, we can halve your treatment time to 35 minutes. Clients can expect an average of 26% fat loss in a single treatment, with a follow up treatment, that number moves to 40%. The loss is fully visible within six weeks and those fat cells are gone forever. Click here to find out more.

Please note:

Not everyone is a candidate for CoolSculpting, the fat on your body has to be a certain type which we can assess when we see you for a consultation. If not, we have other options available to you.


Fat Dissolving Injections at SkinID

These have to be administered by a doctor so you will see Dr Irena Daniels for both your consultation and appointment. Fat dissolving injections are perfect for someone, for example, who has toned their body to the point where a CoolSculpting applicator would not fit, but still has stubborn fat pockets that they wish to remove. With different medical grade solutions, we can melt fat away from the thighs, buttocks, hips, tummy, arms or the neck line with safe, effective results which are visible within 12 weeks. Click here to find out more.

  • A hands free device is used to deliver radiofrequency energy to the targeted areas of the body. This energy heats the fat cells to 44 degrees Celsius, causing them to die and be reabsorbed by the body over time. This is perfect for slim patients looking to say goodbye to the last small layer of fat over the muscles. This short treatment is very safe, as the therapist has full control over the temperature at all times and we can treat multiple areas at the same time.
    It's a comfortable treatment for most patients and typically takes 15 minutes per area. Patients can expect to see results in as little as 6-12 weeks after treatment. Cutera states that the average amount of fat reduction following treatment is 24%.

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  • One session of TruFlex on the abdomen is the equivalent of 54,000 crunches, in 45 minutes. So if training is not getting you the results you want fast enough, or if you wish to increase muscle visibility, definition and bulk, we can combine a fat contouring treatment with Flex. This is the most powerful electro-muscle stimulation device on the market. Other devices require four sessions to achieve the same results.

    Obliques, quads, abdominals, we study your body's unique anatomy and place it where it will be most effective at stimulating the specific targeted muscles and also those around it.

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How will I know which treatment is right for me?

Every treatment at SkinID begins with a private consultation. We'll work out your unique needs and body goals in order to choose the right treatment for you and your skin health journey. This will be fully explained so you have full confidence in your treatment plan.

What is the downtime of skin cooling?

There is little to no recovery time after a CoolSculpting procedure. Most people are approved to resume normal day-to-day activity immediately after. In some cases, some minor redness or numbness may occur in the area treated, but all minor side effects typically subside within a few days.

Why SkinID

+ GP and Dermatoogist Medical Clinic offering private consultations and skincare solutions

+ World leading and respected technology treatments in the heart of Poole, Sandbanks

+ Scientific dermalogical skincare delivered in a relaxing salon-style clinic

+ 100% trusted results and premium aftercare