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Turn Back The Clock With Transformative Results

Everyone's skin ages, however we've proven that looking your most natural best is possible at every age

Whatever your age, you can still protect and promote your skin's health


From non-invasive to injectables, we have a vast number of skin solutions at SkinID. We always begin with a private consultation with you to determine your precise wishes and needs, then we formulate a skin health plan to achieve them.


A Word From Dr Irena Daniels:

'Each client at SkinID sees such phenomenal results because we prepare a skin health journey for them that tackles their unique issues in an ongoing fashion.
This delivers consistent skin condition improvement throughout the calendar year.
We love seeing and hearing about the positive transformations that our treatments deliver and how they boost confidence in the everyday lives of our patients.'

Everything we do to combat aging skin revolves around hydration and collagen stimulation. We're always looking to activate your fibroblasts to produce more collagen.

The reason our results are effective is that we take three main factors into consideration when we assess the skin on your face and neck, in order to form a treatment plan that works hard for all of them. Internally we call it a 'global restoration of the face', to you, it's your Skin Health plan.

1. Your current skin's condition - very often clients have been using the same skincare for over 20/30 years. This will have led to a lack of protection for the skin so pigmentation will have occurred. Balancing the skin's appearance across the face and neck goes hand in hand with collagen stimulation for volume and firmness.

2. Facial structure - as we age our bone structure becomes thinner, our eye socket, our nose socket, our mouth just becomes thinner and wider, so that our structures collapse down onto our face. This is why we look a lot more awake when we're younger because everything sits higher and is more prominent on the face. So whilst we can't do anything with the physical bone structure, we can add a certain amount of high density, structural fillers to cleverly rebuild and support the facial features.

3. Fat layers. When we're young, our skin is plump because our fat pads are deep and seamlessly held together. As we age, gaps between the fat pads widen, creating folds on the face and volume loss, this leads to a heavier appearance on the bottom of the face.

From short term instant results to longer term treatments, invasive and non invasive, we offer a complete holistic skin treatment approach, that we tailor to each individual.

For clients who do not wish to use invasive solutions we offer a wide range of globally respected treatments to boost the functionality of the dermal layer and the skin's natural radiance.

Medical Grade Active Skincare

Many surface level skin conditions can be majorly improved by using our daily skin rituals to balance out skin tone, eliminate pigmentation and stimulate collagen. We work with medical grade active ingredients in world renowned brands from ZO, Obagi and IS Clinical to Heliocare to achieve stunning results. We increase the dosage of certain active ingredients as your skin adapts and responds to it. 

What we aim to have is a synergistic effect of these treatments so we create a plan for each patient pertaining to their specific needs with a skincare regime that they can use to boost stimulation and skin quality at home in between their treatments with us.

  • Renowned for stimulating healing and collagen production, our course of microneedling will combat fine lines, oversized pores, acne scarring, and pigmentation. Whilst we can guide you to use a derma roller at home, our in-clinic micro needling is more effective, precise and quicker making a lot more channels in the skin at a deeper level within the dermis. Our clinicians are experts in this and minimise the risk of skin tearing, using medical grade solutions to target the exact areas of the dermis that we need to boost the results.

    We can activate the results of microneedling even more by adding a patient's own plasma. Known as PRP or a 'Vampire Facial', this works by harnessing the growth factors in our own plasma for incredible results and is especially good for those patients who are reluctant to have any lab-created products placed on, or injected into, their skin.

  • We offer a number of clinical chemical peels to boost the skin's natural radiance on the surface level. We also offer slightly deeper chemical peels when necessary to ensure that we can permeate different depths that might be needed by a patient. This is determined when we have your consultation to discuss which skin issue you're looking to address. Less deep are associated with less downtime, more aggressive means that you're likely to be peeling for up to a week. The renewed radiance seen through the repair process reveals younger, healthier, more glowing skin.

    Layering this treatment with a collagen stimulation treatment such as microneedling, will give you the glow of the positive peel, plus the delayed effect of how collagen stimulation will boost and plump the skin.

  • This treatment is a more advanced and effective form of microneedling without side effects or downtime. During normal micro needling treatment a patient will achieve a 1mm to 1.2 mm depth, radio frequency works across multiple skin levels in a cross layering effect. We work to a 2.25mm or even 3.5mm depth, using very fine, either 64/25 sterile needles which gives a cross layering approach to three different depths old plated needle, distributing solution between the layers of skin. Using globally respected SecretRF by Cutera, we can work up the intensity during the treatment up to 400x increase in fibroblast activity. It’s our number one treatment to address skin firmness on any parts of the body, on any skin type.

    Today, the radio frequency is distributed down each semi-insulated needle in the precise treatment area so you don't have the downtime associated with the old fashioned methods using intense heat. This treatment is amazing for general skin health and vibrancy, collagen stimulation and reduction of scarring and stretch marks.

  • Perfect for pore size reduction, scarring and fine lines and wrinkles. Our laser produces tiny micro laser beams around a designated space to stimulate collagen in very specific areas with minimal downtime.

    All of the above work within a specific treatment plan designed for each patient.


Injectable Treatment Options:

For patients with limited time who wish to achieve more instant results and skin that looks plump and healthier, or for patients who want a mixture of solutions we offer the full spectrum of boosters, fillers and botox at the clinic.

  • There are many types of boosters to re energise and plump out the skin. We will determine which one is right for you when you have your consultation. These are perfect for a pre-event boost, to plump out crepiness and give you an extra glow of confidence.

    They're the perfect introduction for clients who are not quite ready for fillers but are looking to optimise pre-event, the skin’s quality and radiance. Incredibly safe, they are suitable for all skin types.
    Our most popular skin boosters in the clinic are Profhilo, Redensity and Polynucleotides. We often use these skin boosters for patients who suffer from specific medical conditions and are concerned about a treatment causing an autoimmune response.

  • Fillers are the only way of restoring facial volume within the aging process or extreme weight loss in the face, as discussed at the top of the page.

    At SkinID we’ll only recommend you use fillers for volume loss to restore the architecture of the face, this brings about truly natural results when combined within your skin health journey.
    Fillers are long lasting - we have some that can last for up to two years. Your clinician will decide which measure of solution to use.
    Most of the time we use hyalouronic acid fillers on the face which are fully dissolvable and the results are instant.

  • If you’ve used standard fillers and the effects are not lasting as long as you would like or if you’ve experienced severe volume loss due to weight loss, aging or illness, you may be the perfect candidate for collagen stimulating fillers.

    These fillers give gradual, restorative volume, working with your own body to produce more collagen over time and improve the skin’s structure whilst boosting the skin’s health from within. With this hyper effect of stimulation, results can last for up to two years. How much collagen will be stimulated by the procedure is unique to each patient, so we begin by using a small amount to see how your skin reacts and then we add more when needed. This is also a perfect treatment for hands, neck and décolletage.

    Depending on your skin health goals, we may recommend Sculptra, Ellanse, Harmony CA or Radiesse to stimulate collagen production. We are the only skin clinic in Dorset to offer the entire portfolio of medical fillers, licensed in the UK. We’ve developed techniques to maximise your comfort during treatment and minimise any downtime.

    Due to the ongoing effects of collagen fillers you must ensure that you’re in the best hands for administering them. All of our clinicians are highly trained and experienced in this exact field.


What are the side effects of microneedling and PRP?

Downtime with this treatment is a light redness and swelling of the skin that will calm down within 24-48 hours. Your therapist will give you full instructions on how to cleanse and protect the skin over the healing time to ensure the best results. You may notice some peeling for up to a week as the skin rejuvenates itself. It is best not to exercise vigorously for 24 hours after the treatment.

How long will I peel after a chemical peel?

Every patient's skin heals differently, however day 3 and 4 are the days that you're most likely to see peeling. So full recovery post-peel is 7 days. 

Why would I be advised to use resurfacing laser for collagen stimulation over the other options?

If you have irregular skin from scarring or pigmentation, laser resurfacing works incredibly well. The lasers reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars, to even out skin coloring (pigmentation), to tighten skin and to remove lesions, both benign (non-cancerous) and malignant. The laser technique directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin.

What is the downtime for resurfacing laser?

Most people will experience a redness and a light swelling that will reduce over the course of a few days. Your therapist will give you full instructions on how to cleanse and protect the skin over the healing time to ensure the best results.

What is best to avoid post injectable treatment?

Your therapist will give you full instructions on how to prepare for your treatment and what to do afterwards to ensure the best results. However, it's widely known that you should avoid touching each injection site to reduce the chances of infection. Avoid intense heat to the treated area, that includes hot tubs, saunas, sunbathing or tanning. Don't drink alcohol the day of treatment, and try to avoid it for 2 days after and avoid exercising for 2 days or until swelling subsides.

Why SkinID

+ GP and Dermatoogist Medical Clinic offering private consultations and skincare solutions

+ World leading and respected technology treatments in the heart of Poole, Sandbanks

+ Scientific dermalogical skincare delivered in a relaxing salon-style clinic

+ 100% trusted results and premium aftercare